45 Life Lessons to Explore Through Coaching
Life is a journey of self-exploration. You learn, grow and move to the next level of life’s expansiveness each time you learn from your experiences, mistakes and relationships.
Sometimes we don’t learn and get stuck instead. And life has a way of making us repeat the lessons until we learn what we need to know to move on to the next level.
Coaching is one of the best ways to help you explore, learn and grow as you navigate the lessons of life.
Here’s a list of some of the most important lessons that coaching can help you explore.
45 Life Lessons to Explore Through Coaching
1. Every person is a channel of universal energy. This energy is your life force energy, or your personal power. This personal power is infinite. You dilute your power when you have beliefs that make you think you aren’t whole, or when you let others steal some of your power.
2. Powerless people (unsafe people) are people who think they have to take power from others because they don’t have their own.
3. Pay attention to actions, not words. Actions never lie, but words can be used to manipulate. You will know by how your energy feels when you are being lied to or manipulated.
4. You are responsible for taking care of yourself, your energy, your body and your life.
5. You can sometimes be confused because of the patterns that shaped your life (your own life experiences and programing). Learning to recognize them and distinguish them from the truth will be the way you free yourself, get unstuck and get back in alignment with your personal power.
6. The hardest word to say can be “no.” Learning to say “no” will set you free.
7. You don’t owe anyone anything. A life of obligations is based on the false belief that you don’t have a choice. You always have a choice, but it may feel unbearably hard. Obligation vs. Commitment is an essential distinction to learn.
8. Nobody else is responsible for you once you are an adult. You have to be responsible for you.
9. Bad things happen when you try to control others and when others try to control you. Fear often makes confused people try to take power from others.
10. Patterns will appear as your teachers. People will appear as your teachers. This is your chance to investigate, learn and free yourself from patterns keeping you stuck and in bondage.
11. You never have to “get.” You have everything inside and you have to learn how to GIVE.
12. But you have to be careful of getting robbed. Giving must be done freely and consciously, not as an obligation. This is true for your time, money, attention, ideas, and all representations of your energy.
13. Value and cherish your energy so that you can share it with what and whom you choose and never let it get stolen.
14. The world and other people will try to tell you what’s best for you. As soon as you learn that YOU know what’s best for you, you will be healthy.
15. Pay attention to your energy around people and situations. Go with what makes you feel love.
16. Be careful of fake friends. True friends give as much as you give them, and it feels equal. Fake friends always need something from you.
17. Relationships are about learning. Some are for learning to let go (of patterns) and some are partnerships where you learn about life together.
18. Relationships work when you learn to let go of control and become open to learning.
19. You always have enough.
20. You always are enough.
21. Deficit only happens when you believe in lack.
22. Hoarding, clutter and confusion happen when you are afraid to let go. It’s because you are faithful to lack rather than to abundance. Letting go demonstrates faith in universal abundance channeling through you.
23. Dieting and other forms of strict self-deprivation is giving away your power. It’s saying you don’t know what’s best for you. You can’t treat the symptom of your perceived problem; you can only treat the root cause of a “problem” by identifying why you chose to give it power.
24. Helping others by sacrificing yourself will kill you, hurt you, or make you very sick. Heros often die for others, but a win/win is helping to empower others.
25. You can’t help others in the highest way by doing it for them. You can help them learn for themselves. Learn the difference between Empowering vs. Enabling/Creating Dependency.
26. People pleasing is lying and lying drains your power.
27. Asking for help when you need it is essential and works best when you ask for help that empowers you and helps you learn rather than help that creates dependency.
28. Helping others when they need it is essential, and a choice. It works best when it empowers others to help themselves instead of creating a dependency.
29. Your fears and discomfort are guideposts. They hold clues for you to explore for your growth.
30. Throughout your life, you may have three voices telling you what to do: the punisher (shame), the inner rebel (teenage you) and your intuition (your adult caring self). Learning to identify them and how to listen to your intuition will be your greatest skill.
31. Choose the people who love your true self rather than your false self. Surround yourself with those who you don’t need to hide parts of yourself from or control their perception of you.
32. Jobs that require sacrifice are toxic. True good work doesn’t ask you to sacrifice or tolerate. The same is true with relationships.
33. Worry is the opposite of faith. And faith is essential. Keep a “Give it up to God” list to let go of your worries.
34. Deprivation will never get you what you want. Satisfaction will.
35. You always have a choice. But it may seem like you don’t in some cases. In these cases, you may have face your worst fears by making the hardest choice. This is just more learning and growth.
36. Rushing is a sign that something is wrong. When you’re in alignment, there’s no need to hurry. Explore the reason and learn.
37. You’ll continue to learn boundaries to protect your energy. As you learn, you’ll see the patterns that allowed others to take from you and you’ll clean those up.
38. There will always be signs, warnings and symbols. Your job is to pay attention, ask for clarity and guidance.
39. Controlling or manipulative people are usually covert or sneaky and you will feel their controlling energy as something bad. But you will be confused because they appear to be nice. This is how they try to get your power.
40. Sometimes when you’re in an unsafe environment you won’t see it, but you’ll feel it. Later, when you’re away from it, you’ll look back and clearly see the signs you missed.
41. Caring about what others think of you is one of the most common ways of giving up your power. The more you see this the more you will free yourself.
42. Shame blocks connection, but truth brings people together.
43. Learn to know the difference between real connection (truth) and fake connection (people-using behaviors, hiding the truth or hiding from the truth). Learn this by paying attention to actions, not words. Word lie & manipulate, actions do not.
44. Clarity is kind. Confusion is unkind.
45. Decide what you want and let go of the lesser. Keeping a tight grip on it all dilutes your power.
These are some of the life lessons that coaching can help you explore. When you are able to take a step back from stress and look at life as a series of lessons and spiritual learning, it becomes fun and meaningful.
Download my guide 4 Ways to Live a More Intuitive Life.